Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Fireside post

FFF Photo a Day - Day 274

As the wind and rain thrash about outside, I'm happy to curled up inside beside the fire. There are few things more comforting than a crackling fire at the end of a long day. 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Mystery squash?

FFF Photo a Day - Day 273

Sorting through the squash plants, pulling dead squash and picking the remaining squash and.. have a whole wheelbarrow full of these mystery items! 

Obviously some kind cross breed between two squash plants but not entirely sure what! Perhaps butternut and pumpkin? What do you think? 

Monday, 28 September 2015

Sweet success!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 272

We planted sweet potatoes for the first time this year and we dug them up today given the impending frost tonight.... and sweet success! 

They aren't huge but we are excited and plan on doing more next year! 

What's your favorite way to eat sweet potatoes? 

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Strutting his stuff...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 271

Caesar, our resident rooster has grown into quite a fine looking bird... and he knows it. #fullofhimself

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Evenings end...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 270

The sun is going down earlier and earlier these days.....

But when it is this pretty, you just have to forgive and enjoy!

Friday, 25 September 2015

Pick a peck...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 269

Picked a peck of peppers tonight... and a variety of other things. Our habanero crop is huge this year, so we will be able to make several more "Jars of Death" (dried & ground habanero powder)!

The red peppers in the basket are called "Sweet Heat" and are a mildly spicy red pepper. I'm making a version of roasted red pepper sauce with them! Can't wait!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Green power

FFF Photo a Day - Day 268

Tonight's task is making more green veggie powder! We dry our various greens from the garden and grind them into powder that keeps through the winter It helps you get those needed greens the throughout the cold season. 

We throw the powder into smoothies, stews, sauces and soups to boost the nutritional power of the overall dish! 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Fall upon us...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 267

This autumn display brought to you by the first full day of fall! My personal favorite time of year, the bugs are disappearing and temperatures are a bit more comfortable for working in. 

As we tuck food away, preserving, drying and canning in preparation for the upcoming winter, it feels great to see the pantry fill. 

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 265

This little guy stowed away in the swiss chard the other day. 

I'm not sure who was more surprised to find him hopping around the kitchen floor, him or me!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Trial and error

FFF Photo a Day - Day 264 
We've managed to get through one full week since Avery's mysterious injury and resulting surgery. One down, seven more weeks to go. 
This past week has been lots of trial and error. We knew Avery was a special case when she came to live with us but her claustrophobia is deep rooted and make eight weeks of kennelling extremely challenging! 
We are learning to manage and be creative... The t-shirt stops the licking, medication helps and we all live for her twice daily short walks outside. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Good food makes everything OK...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 263

It's been a busy weekend with lots of hard labour and sore muscles. September is such a busy month and it just got a little more complicated. 

However, I know that with those complications come opportunity, learning and new challenges...and throughout it all we have the comfort & blessing of good food! 

This busy weekend will end with a batch of fall vegetable stew in the slow cooker and a feeling of satisfaction & gratitude that can only be homegrown.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Harvesting herbs

FFF Photo a Day - Day 262

Today felt like summer but the fall is upon us and I was busy harvesting herbs to dry. Here my bundles of oregano wait  for a place on the drying rack...

Friday, 18 September 2015

Catching rays...

FFF Photo a Day - 261

As the last weekend of the summer is upon us, everyone (including the hens) is anxious to catch the last warm rays of sunshine.  

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Soup for you!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 260

Fall is the season of soup! With so many root vegetables, squash and other fall offerings, it is a perfect time to simmer up some soup. 

We freeze it both supper size as well as individual servings to bring for lunch at school or work. 

Soup is good food...

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

A long eight weeks...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 259

Avery came home today. After badly breaking her front leg, she's had surgery and starts a 8 week recovery period in a kennel with a cast... this is going to be fun! #notreally #poorpuppy

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Making himself at home...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 258

Kickers (a recent addition to the farm) has been making himself at home. Which is great... however unfortunately he's been a bit adverse to staying in the barn and catching mice as we had hoped.... he prefers to hang out in the garage and has claimed a high shelf previously reserved by our other barn cat. 

I've captured his typical pose here in this picture. #oneeyeopen #pretendingtosleep #myfooddishisempty 

Week #12 - 2015 FFF CSA - What's in the Box! - That's a wrap!

To coin a well used entertainment phrase... 'That's a wrap'! 

Yes, its hard to believe but the summer has flown by and this is the last of twelve CSA weeks. We have enjoyed getting to know some new faces and catching up with the familiar ones. 

I have always said that a CSA share is successful for someone if they: 
  • ate something that they have never tried before
  • learned to cook or prepare produce in a new way
  • felt a stronger connection to where their food comes from
  • ate healthier than they would otherwise have done
We truly hope that this is true for our shareholders this year and thank you for the opportunity to feed you!

This week we have a few new items along with the familiar staples. Most notably is spaghetti squash and some leeks. 

For those familiar with the magic of a spaghetti squash.. you are just thinking 'yum' and starting to cook... but for others new to this wonderful gem some guidance on how to cook/prepare a spaghetti squash is here. 

We use this method of roasting in the oven and then serve with our favorite pasta sauce! While I can't promise the kids won't notice the difference... I can promise that if you can get them to try it, they will love it! 

Leeks which are related to onions and garlic can be used in similar ways in most recipes however, my favorite way to use them is in soup... Potato and Leek soup to be specific. 

So in summary... What's in the Box this week?
  • Zucchini (for half shares)
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli (for full shares)
  • Peppers (sweet & spicy)
  • Beets 
  • Tomatoes
  • Ground Cherries
  • Cucumber
  • Spaghetti Squash New!
  • Pattypan Squash
  • Pumpkins (one small, one large)
  • Tomatillos
  • Onions
  • Kale
  • Leeks New!
  • Swiss Chard
  • Eggplant

Notes to our CSA Share holders: 
We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be important to wash all vegetables before you eat them. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies

Monday, 14 September 2015

Our basket runneth over...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 257

As our growing season winds down, we continue to harvest what feels like mountains of food. 

I have to admit to feeling that the rather simplistic solution to universal food security for all is right outside everyone's back door! #harvestthepowerofnature

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Brains vs. Brawn!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 256

Sancho (the goat) has realized that he is never going to be as big as Gaston (the bull), but he's a smart little guy so is using the shelter to his advantage. 

After he came down, Gaston decided to try to get up there too, but quickly realized he was too big so decided to try to flip the shelter over! #goofball

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Full of spunk!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 255

At two weeks old, Graceson (Grace's son) is full of spunk and growing fast. While he doesn't wander too far away from his mama, he does run and jump and play with the goats once in a while. 

His older brother has decided he is alright and is quite protective. Like all big brothers... no one can pick on his little brother except him! 

Friday, 11 September 2015


FFF Photo of the Day - Day 254
Our squash plants continues to bloom despite mildew, torrential rains and frost! That's what I call persistence! 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Bean there, done that...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 253

This year we grew our own kidney beans. We had never done that before so we started with a small planting to test the results. 

Turned out well and shelling the beans is a good activity to keep your hands busy while listening to podcasts. 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Second chances...

FFF Photo a Day- Day 252

This affectionate little guy is called Kickers! He's new to the farm and seems to be fitting in real well.

A few months ago we heard about the Winnipeg Humane Society's Barn Buddies program. This program matches kitties that are otherwise unadoptable and may be destroyed with farms that have some heated spaces where they may do well (i.e. barns and farm shops). 

It just so happened that our other (15 year old) barn cat was having trouble keeping up on the mice hunting and we thought we may form a mutually beneficial relationship! 

Earlier this week we got a call from the Humane Society that Kickers needed a home. The rest is as they say, is history! 

Welcome home Kickers!

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Last blast of summer colour

FFF Photo a Day - Day 251

Picked the last batch of beans from the garden this weekend. Love the beautiful colours!

Did you know that purple beans turn green once they are cooked?

Week #11 - 2015 FFF CSA - What's in the Box! - Ladybug, Ladybug!

I can't believe that we are on our second to last week of our CSA! Summer has flown by! This week our shareholders are going to need some serious muscles to move these baskets! 

While we battled are fair share of disease, molds and mildews this growing season, a welcomed infestation has been ladybugs... we've never seen so many ladybugs as this year. So hoping you love them as much as I do and won't mind a few red ladies on your swiss chard! Remember they eat aphids and will keep your houseplants healthier! 

Now what to do with the lovely pie pumpkin you will get this week.. why make some pie!! While you can pretty well take your pumpkin pie recipe and substitute with fresh cooked pumpkin instead of canned, this link does a nice job of spelling it out for you - from how to cut and cook the pumpkin to a handy recipe!

You will notice that we've put your ground cherries in a brown paper bag... we encourage you to simply store them that way as they keep very well this way! Tomatillos also can be stored in a brown paper bag in the fridge with much success.  (Note: The hot peppers are tucked in there just so they don't get squished). 

For those planning ahead, next week you will get spaghetti squash and another large pumpkin! Please remember to bring your own boxes and bags next week along with any of our baskets and pails that you might have to return to us.

So in summary... What's in the Box this week?
  • Zucchini
  • Potatoes
  • Peppers (check out the brown paper bag)
  • Beets 
  • Onions
  • Pumpkin (smaller pie pumpkins)
  • Acorn squash 
  • Ground Cherries (check out the brown paper bag)
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatillos
  • Kohlrabi (full shares only)
  • Beans (full shares only)
  • Swiss Chard
  • Kale
Notes to our CSA Share holders: 
We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be important to wash all vegetables before you eat them. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (pails, cups, bags etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies

Monday, 7 September 2015

An end and a beginning...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 250

Had our first fire in the new fire pit at the end of a fine long weekend... 

A weekend that many say marks the end of the summer. 

Bittersweet yet lovely all at the same time. 

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Squashed in squash...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 249

This is just one of multiple loads of squash and pumpkins we took out of the garden today!

Tonight we made some butternut squash fries and they were fabulous! 

Our CSA boxes are going to be heavy this week!

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Boot scrapping!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 248

Today was full of mud and boot scrapping! 

Good workout as the mud tried to suck your boots off at every step! 

Makes me excited at the thought of some more rain... #justkiddingnotreally

Friday, 4 September 2015

Soggy sight

FFF Photo a Day - Day 247

With well over a inch of torrential rain down and more falling, it's a soggy sight out there. 

This farmer is spending their Friday night inside! 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Can't see me!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 246

Thought we'd lost the piglet until I found him hiding in the grass! 

Wasn't sure if he was hiding from the turkeys or just staying cool but it looked funny either way! 

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Packed to the brim!

FFF Photo Day - Day 245

Truck packed to the brim with veggies for our CSA shareholders tonight! 

As the season moves along, it is harder to fit everything in the baskets! 

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Hello, September!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 244

Hello, September! You bring:
  • harvest and homework;
  • preserving and preparation;
  • cooler temps and warmer clothes; smoke in the sky and leaves on the ground; 
  • fall resolutions after summer regrets; bales in the fields, tractors on the road... 

Week #10 - 2015 FFF CSA - What's in the Box! - Butter me up!

September has arrived and the days are getting shorter! Only two more weeks after this week and our vegetable season will be done! Our shareholders are going to need some serious muscles to carry the final boxes as they will be rich in winter squash, pumpkins and other late season favorites!

This week each of the shareholders will get a butternut squash. This is the large peanut shaped squash that is creamy brown in colour. As a winter squash these will keep quite well so feel free to store it for later use or eat now if you can't wait any longer!

One of the best and simple ways to eat butternut is to cut it up, toss it with olive oil and garlic and roast it in a 400C oven for 20-25 minutes. If you like soup, this squash makes great soup! Roasting the squash to begin with converts the sugars and brings out the nutty taste. If you are making soup, simply cut the whole squash in half, scoop out the seeds and brush each half with some oil and roast in oven similar to above. Then you can simply scoop the squash out of the shell and use for making soup. There is a good basic soup recipe using butternut and other items you have in your basket here

So in summary... What's in the Box this week?
  • Lettuce
  • Zucchini (half shares only)
  • Beets
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli (for full shares only)
  • Peppers (sweet & spicy)
  • Butternut squash New!
  • Pattypan squash
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Onions
  • Cucumber
  • Ground Cherries
  • Tomatillos
  • Kale
  • Swiss Chard
Notes to our CSA Share holders: 
We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be important to wash all vegetables before you eat them. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (pails, cups, bags etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies