Tuesday, 30 June 2015

A very busy day...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 181

Today was a very busy day!

Somehow through some combination of absent minded planning and bad coincidence, our first day for CSA delivery fell on the same day in which we took our chickens in! 

Thus we found ourselves packing veggies into boxes, weighing chickens, making invoices and hauling it all to our Wolseley pick up point!

Throughout it all Avery, the farm dog, took it upon herself to guard the boxes (a.k.a. laid in the way!)

Week #1 -2015 FFF CSA - What's in the Box - The First Edition (of the Year)

This week marks the official start of the Fenez Follies Farm CSA 2015 season.  This week each of our shareholders will receive their first box of bounty from our farm. In the beginning of the season, the boxes are light and full of green leafy vegetables. As the season progresses, the boxes get heavier and dense with food as it becomes ready. By the end of the season, you will need a good strong back to haul the squash, pumpkins, potatoes and tomatoes away!

For those of you who are new to this, each week we share a blog about what is in each box and share a bit of information and tips on what you might be able to do with the treats you find in the box. 

This week you will find some rhubarb stalks in the box. For those not familiar with what to do with rhubarb... well the sky is the limit! Rhubarb makes yummy cobbler or jam, is wonderful in muffins, cakes, pies, or cookies... heck I've even seen recipes for rhubarb pickles or wine! It has a tart taste which can be sweetened with sugar or by mixing with other fruit such as berries. If you need a little help with some ideas or details, check out the Rhubarb Compendium for a great collection! 

Given this is the first box of the season, we've slipped in some treats for you and some feathered friends! For you, there is a sample bag of our very own Goat's Milk Caramels! These are a new creation on the farm and I'd love to know what you think! While goat milk is yummy enough, we were looking for a even more delicious way to use all the milk that our lovely nanny goat, Chocolate gives us! Given that these are made with milk, we ask that you keep them refrigerated... if they even make it that far! Interested in having more, check out our Product page for more info! 

For your feathered friends, we've created a bird seed heart to hang in your tree to feed the birds! Why? Well, mostly because I saw it on Pinterest and thought it was a neat idea to try.... :) 

So in summary... What's in the Box this week?
  • Swiss Chard
  • Kale
  • Radishes
  • Rhubarb
  • Lettuce (mixed greens in bag)
  • Spinach (in bag)
  • Zucchini (for full boxes) 
  • Beets (remember you can eat the beet greens too!)
  • Herbs in the red cup: 
    • Oregano
    • Chives
    • Parsley
    • Cilantro
    • Dill
  • and as a special homemade treat for you and the birds!  
Notes to our CSA Share holders: 
We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be important to wash all vegetables before you eat them. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (pails, cups, bags etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies

Monday, 29 June 2015

My Weeding Buddy...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 180

It is not unusual for me to see a frog or two when I'm in the garden... and typically they hop away to safety. 

Today however, I found that I had a weeding buddy. This little guy not only didn't hop away but indeed appeared to be following me down the rows! 

Now if only I could teach him to pull weeds! 

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Like a present each day....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 179

I never get tired of collecting eggs on the farm. 

There is something both soothing and exciting about peeking into the nesting box to see what's there. 

Its like getting a present every day! 

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Ominous skies

FFF Photo a Day - Day 178

Some wild weather rolled through southern Manitoba today bringing torrential rains, hail and tornadoes warnings. 

Luckily we had no hail or strong winds at our place so far but we are keeping a careful watch on the skies. 

Friday, 26 June 2015

Fields of sunshine...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 177

We are surrounding by fields of sunshine full of a variety of crops... oats, soybeans, canola, wheat. 

I just love watching them grow and flourish! 

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Sweet preparations!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 176

Making fresh goat milk caramels to slip in our first CSA box as a bit of a 'nice to meet you/welcome back' treat. 

Our weekly veggie box kicks off next Tuesday! 

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Sweet Pea!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 175

Peas are growing tall and today I found the first flower! 

That means that soon we will be enjoying fresh garden peas. 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Tender greens!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 174 

First salad of the season coming from the garden. Spinach and multiple varieties of lettuce. 


First night!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 173

Our latest batch of new birds (goslings, turkeys and chickens) were moved outside today. 

It is always so interesting to watch them experience grass, open sky and bugs for the first time. 

These birds come to us when only a day or so old and are kept in our greenhouse where it is snug and warm until they get their full feathers. 

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Sometimes its not all sunshine and rainbows....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 172

Sometimes farming isn't all sunshine and rainbows... sometimes its a bit poopy... and sometimes you should be wearing boots instead of sandals! #lessonsoftheday

Saturday, 20 June 2015

The end of a good day...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 171

Thanks to Taryn for snapping this great pic of the sunset. Today was full of work and waiting... waiting for our visitors from out West! 

This evening they arrived after a long drive and its so good to see them! #family

Friday, 19 June 2015

Along a country road....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 170

Like most rural properties we live on a gravel road. 

And those that have lived along one, know that the state of said gravel road is a topic of conversation with the neighbours almost as often as the weather. 

And the hero (or villian) of all that live along one, is of course the guy that drives the grater or snow plow (depending on the season). 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

My two favorite girls!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 169

Captured two of my favorite gals tonight sharing secrets and a kiss! 

Both are kind, gentle and giving and particularly persistent in getting what they want!  

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Growing strong!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 168

Our onions are growing strong! 

This year we tried three different methods for our onions. We started our own onions inside from seed, purchased some onions started in a greenhouse and planted onion sets straight into the ground.

The onion sets are by far the winner this year! 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

A ride to Russell!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 167

Today Farmer Phil took a long ride out to Russell, Mb to pick up a truck load of hens. While we usually raise our layer hens from chicks, we annually go out west to pick up 19 week old chickens who are ready to lay to supplement our summer egg supply.  

It was a long drive, made longer due to much construction but he safely arrived with 120 layers this evening for us and a neighbouring farm. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

One man's weed, is another's feast!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 166

If you want to be a chicken's best friend.... just throw them some weeds. 

Even though our chickens are out of grass all the time, they still get really excited when you throw them some weeds to pick through! 

They all gather round softly exclaiming while rummaging through your offering. 

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Everyone loves company!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 165

Everyone loves visitors to the farm. Today we had good friends over who are regulars at the farm. 

The pigs, cows and goats particularly like being hand fed tender greens by their their red-headed friend!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Ladybird, ladybird, fly away home....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 164

Always happy to see ladybugs in our gardens! They eat aphids and other pests that we don't want in the garden. 

Found this little guy this morning on our violas....

Friday, 12 June 2015

Fowl days!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 163

The birds our growing fast! It's hard to believe that only two weeks ago they were tiny bundles of fluff.

As you can see they are starting to get their adult feathers and the goslings are almost twice the size of the turkeys! 

A couple more weeks and they will be out on grass. 

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Time to dry!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 162 

As the weather continues warm up and temperatures are consistently staying at a reasonable temperature, we have taken our Kozy Koats off our tomatoes and have hung the to dry. 

Kozy Koats are a plastic covering that is filled with water that surrounds the tomatoes. This insulates the tomatoes and creates a mini greenhouse effect. We find that this method speeds growth and of course, protects the plant during frost, thus allowing you to put out the plants earlier in the year. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Herbs are for the bees!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 161

If you like bees in your garden (and who doesn't) you may consider planting a few herbs that attract these pollinators! 

Both chives and rosemary are perennial herbs whose flowers attract bees. 

Sure enough, tonight I found several checking out our chives! 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Extreme eggs!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 160

While I haven't bought eggs from the grocery store for years, I remember them as a dozen very white, very consistently sized eggs in every carton. 

As a small scale egg producer, we experience the tremendous extremes and variations in size, color and markings in our chickens eggs! 

I think it makes it more interesting as every carton is slightly different! We ate this tiny egg this Sunday and it had a tiny yolk inside about the size of the tip of a pencil! 

Monday, 8 June 2015

Hair of the dog?!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 159

Our dog, Avery (Newfie cross) is a hairy beast! 

As she spends much of her time outside all year round she grows a significant coat which keeps her both warm and cool as needed. However in the spring time she sheds her downy undercoat for the summer. 

Several times a week for several weeks this means spending time with brush and cattle comb brushing her out. 

As I look at the pile of downy fur I wonder if I could make felt with it like sheep's wool? What do you think... a new product from the farm? :) 

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Tired toes...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 158

As our dirty and tired feet will demonstrate, its been a long yet productive day! 

Planted all the remaining plants from the greenhouse and got some progression seeding in between the rains (Thank you mother Nature!).

Mowed the property, trimmed around the house and patio, took down a dead tree by the pig enclosure, weeded the strawberries, did some fencing, took a child into the city for work, dropped off recycling.... even fit in a quick ice cream as a reward. 

All on top of the usual feeding, watering, egg collecting and milking of the various beasties! No wonder we have tired toes! I think a shower is in order!

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Bursting forth!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 157

After today's long rain, everything is practically bursting from the ground! 

Here the peas are stretching to meet the evening sun. 

Friday, 5 June 2015

The nose knows...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 156

Not that long ago, I was complaining that I couldn't get a picture of our piglets as they wouldn't come close to us... well how things have changed. 

Always curious... and hungry, they come to greet us whenever we are around. 

This one was willing me to pick him the fresh dandelion shoots that were just on the other side of the fence. Which is ironic given that they are in a large open area several hundred square feet in area... full of dandelions! #sillypigs

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Green goodness!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 155

A box of goodness picked today as I thinned and harvested our spinach next to the house. 

This was planted back in early March and was snowed on several times! Spinach loves cool weather. 

We are drying this batch to grind into green energy powder! 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

A light in the dark!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 154

Our regular followers know that our chicks share our greenhouse (underneath the plants). 

This creates a unique and interesting sight at night as the whole greenhouse glows red with the light of the heat lamps that keep the chicks warm. 

Thanks to Noel who snapped this great picture tonight!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Cover up!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 153

We've made a commitment to ourselves, the earth and our customers to grow food in a sustainable, natural manner. 

This means that we need to deal with weeds, pests and disease in non-chemical ways. We use this fabric row cover to protect our plants in a number of situations. 

Here we have broccoli under cover from the cabbage moth! Broccoli belongs to the Brassica family and thus is a favorite of the cabbage worm/moth! We cover all brassicas from the time they are seeded until harvest. Other brassicas to cover are cauliflower, turnip, kale, and of course, cabbage! 

This row cover lets water and sunlight in but keeps pests out. It is light enough that the plants push the cover up as they grow. 

Monday, 1 June 2015

All in a row...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 152

Our yard has seen a lot of bird action these days. 

While some are passing through, others - like the barn swallows trying to nest in the eaves - appear to be staying put. 

While I enjoy both the visiting and the resident feathered friends, I could do without the ravens and crows swooping down and tormenting the dog!