Sunday, 31 May 2015

Knock on wood!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 151

Today was the day we put out all our transplants. We are reasonably sure that the last frost has passed (fingers crossed, knock on wood)!

Wish for gentle rains and light winds interspersed with sunny skies!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

The rules of the pasture...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 150 

I am always intrigued and interested in how our four legged animals get along. At our place, everyone grazes together - goats, cattle, sheep, etc. 

Like all herd animals there is a hierarchy of relationships with leaders and followers and introducing new animals typically puts everyone's nose out of joint for a few days. 

Each animal has a different personality and approach and while size matters... it doesn't always dictate who the leader is! As their humans, we quickly learn who to feed/water/scratch first and in what order, to maintain the current rules of the pasture!

Friday, 29 May 2015

Another batch of chicklets!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 149

Our second batch of chicklets moved in today. Geese, turkeys and more broilers (meat chickens) are exploring the greenhouse. 

It never seems to fail... we always get the chicks the day before a cold, clear night. The forecast indicates that we will dip down to minus 1C! 

Fingers crossed that all our preparations will keep them cozy! Now... to cover all the plants!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Who needs a trampoline!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 148

In one of our corrals we have a old chicken tractor that has seen better days. 

It has been leaning up against the barn for a few years and other goats have climbed in and over it.... however, Sancho took it to a whole new level today!! 

He used it as a trampoline! (Until we ruined his fun and took it apart)

Note: While you can see a photo here... the full video action in on our Facebook page (for some reason I can't seem to upload it here!) Once you are there.... Like our page to keep up with the happenings around the farm! 

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Preparing for more little ones...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 147

Part of today was spent hauling some gravel to refresh the bottom of the greenhouse/chick brooder in preparation for the goslings, turkey and broiler chicks that are coming on Friday. 

The experiment of using the greenhouse as a chick brooder on the bottom with seedlings growing on top worked well except for the part when our Plymouth Rocks (layer chicks) started nibbling on the seedlings! 

Definitely need to move them out before they become upwardly mobile! 

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Grass & grubs!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 146 

Our broilers (meat chickens) are enjoying the pasture immensely! 

They range far and wide and graze on grubs and grass all day. 

Monday, 25 May 2015

After the rains...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 145

The gardens are happy after the big rains last weekend. Snapped this pic tonight in the front herb garden....

Sunday, 24 May 2015

You are never lonely in the garden...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 144

You are rarely lonely when you are in the garden.... Caleb the cat always comes and joins you. 

How you might ask did we end up with a female barn cat named after our son.... because of course that is what he insisted on calling her when he was two years old! 

Fourteen years later, Caleb (the cat) has used up most of her nine lives and is one of the oldest barn cats I know. 

...And she's the perfect companion as you seed and weed.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

The grass is always greener!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 143

Today the chicks felt grass for the first time! 

Up until now, they've been in the greenhouse under heat lamps. Now that they have their full feathers and the weather appears to be cooperating.. they have moved outside! 

They all look a little bit stunned and stood in one spot for quite a while before beginning to explore! By evening they were running around grazing on weeds and grass, capturing small bugs and scavenging for seeds.   

Friday, 22 May 2015

Dirt partners

FFF Photo a Day - Day 142

Today, I honor my best friend, lover and dirt partner! 

As we celebrate our twenty-second year of marriage, I count my blessings that so many years ago, I found someone with which I have been able to share my dreams, my life and numerous follies! 

Together we have created a family, a farm... and a whole lot of dirt.

Happy Anniversary, love!

Thursday, 21 May 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 141

Our peppers and eggplants have done well under our cold frames despite the storm on the weekend. 

The cold frames are made with reclaimed lumber boxes with old windows on top. 

We cover the windows with shade cloth or row covers to diffuse the sunlight so the seedlings don't burn. So far, so good! 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Frisky business

FFF Photo a Day - Day 140

Tic, Tac and Toe were frisky tonight, running around the field and squealing and grunting with some unknow-able pig emotion (although it sounded like delight!). 

Don't ask me which one is Tic and which is Toe.... they don't come when you call them anyway! 

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Looking on the bright side...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 139

While the rain, wind and cold on the weekend was not celebrated by many, there is always a bright side on which to ponder. 

The tree that we lost in the windstorm fell neatly beside the tomatoes instead of on top and the pond is looking full and lush again so we won't have to worry about irrigation this summer! 

Monday, 18 May 2015

Practice makes perfect...

FFF Photo a Day -Day 138

After four or five batches, I think I've finally perfected soft goat's milk caramels! 

Rainy, cold weather is good for something after all! 

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Canning sunshine!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 137

Anticipating a dreary, cold day we harvested dandelions yesterday before the rain began.

Today we turned them into dandelion jamCan't wait to try some! 

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Thirsty pig!

FFF Photo a Day -Day 136
Our pigs use a nipple system attached to a water tank to get fresh water at all times.  

Friday, 15 May 2015

Someone is watching you....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 135

Ever felt like someone is watching you? 

Each night as we milk the goat, the other animals peer through a hole in the wall at us. It is the funniest feeling. 

I think they are making sure that we don't forget to come and visit them later. 

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Happy Spinach

FFF Photo a Day - Day 134
While the day was dreary without the sun.. we really needed the rain! #happyspinach

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A shadow of a cat...

FFF Photo a Day - 133

No farm is complete without a barn cat or two.... 

Meet Shadow! An unusually friendly barn cat that you always found underfoot waiting to be snuggled. 

Named for his colouring he was good at blending in to his surroundings... only appearing when he decided it was safe. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 132 

Who doesn't like leftovers!? 

In our case, it's leftover corn that our neighbour has in the bottom of his grain bin. For him its waste, but for us its approximately eight bags of feed for our animals. 

We will crush it and mix it in with our hemp meal (that we also get 'leftover') and other grains to feed the beasties on the farm. 

For the price of a couple of hours of shoveling, everyone wins!

Monday, 11 May 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 131

After we milk the goats each night, we have a routine (they would suggest a necessity) to visit with the goats and cattle in the barn. We must come armed with treats or we quickly are told of everyone's displeasure by way of a cacophony of bellowing and bleating from all.

Gaston's favorite treat is a pre-made horse treat made from apples. He sucks them off your hand with a exuberance that leaves you needing a towel and wanting a shower. 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Work hard, nap hard...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 130 

A successful farmer knows how to work hard and nap hard. 

I'm always extremely jealous of Farmer Phil who is able to come in from the field and be asleep in under 30 seconds.  

Half an hour later up he pops ready to go again! 

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Fire on land and sky

FFF Photo a Day - Day 129 

Today was a busy day of work and fun! It ended with fire... fire in the sky by way of a beautiful sunset and a warm fire shared with friends. 

Friday, 8 May 2015

Say cheese!

FFF Photo a Day -Day 128
Today's morning chore was making goat cheese! 

Thursday, 7 May 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 127

Today Sancho (baby goat) went to Fort Richmond Collegiate (@FRCCenturions) to help students there raise money for women in Africa. The students contacted us to see if we could bring a photogenic goat with which people paid $1 to take a selfie with (or gelfie). 

Sancho appeared comfortable and appreciated the attention and the students made enough money to purchase a goat to donate. Interesting idea and a nice outing for Sancho!  

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Consistency is boring

FFF Photo a Day - Day 126

Having laying hens means that each carton of eggs you put together is a little bit different. 

Unique shapes, shades and sizes create a interesting surprise in every dozen! 

In the future we are hoping to expand the breeds of hens that we raise and add some green or blue eggs to the mix!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Plants are in the Penthouse

FFF Photo a Day - Day 125

In previous posts, I've alluded to our plan to use our new greenhouse addition on the barn as a multi-level space. Chicks on the bottom and seedlings on top!

The birds need warmth which in turn heat the soil and roots of the seedlings speeding germination and growth. 

With our unseasonably warm spring days its taken a bit of adjustment to keep the temperatures even throughout a 24 hour period, however I think we have a system that is working well now and everyone (plants and birds) seem to be doing well in the space. 

Monday, 4 May 2015

Hide and Seek

FFF Photo a Day - Day 124

While the majority of our laying hens hang out in 'chicken tractors' or movable shelters that we shift to fresh grass/pasture each day, some of our more wily ladies invariably escape to range around the farm throughout the day. 

These are some of my favorite girls with whom we play an eternal game of hide and seek. We make half-hearted attempts at catching them and they pretend like they don't watch our every move out of the corner of their eye. 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Please Mum, it's time to play!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 123

It was a busy weekend of seeding potatoes, kale and swiss chard. 

This afternoon, Avery had had enough of us ignoring her and decided she was going to insist. A 125 llb dog sitting in the middle of your seeding area, tends to interrupt you! So.... we went and played! 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Fencing again...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 122

Fencing is a job around the farm that never seems to be done... we are always adding more, fixing a section or mending a hole. 

Last night was a beautiful evening to get in some of this unending activity.

Friday, 1 May 2015

When the dog barks...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 121

When the dog barks.... It might mean the cow decided the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and has pushed over the fence! 

Indeed yesterday Grace did decide to test the theory (that the grass is greener)! Fortunately the pull of a scoop of oats is stronger than the taste of adventure and she easily was lead back inside the corral. 

Time for some fence repair!