Monday, 30 November 2015

There is always one...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 335
There is always one... one hen that refuses to be caught... who hides each night in some outbuilding on the farm and won't join the rest of the hens inside... there is always one!

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Crisp & Clean

FFF Photo a Day - 334

Beautiful day with sunshine, hoar frost and gentle breezes. 

Birthday bash

FFF Photo a Day - Day 333

Tonight we celebrated Farmer Phil's birthday (one day early). Fine cheese and a growler full of craft beer was his request. #yum

Friday, 27 November 2015

Farmer Friday Game Night Fun!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 332

Even when we take a night off to play some board games... they still involve farm animals!? 

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Just because...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 331

Baby goats... just because! 

This is Merry born a few summers back. She has such a pretty face!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Pig play...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 330

The pigs are loving the snow and can often be found rolling, digging and generally frolicking in the drifts. 

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Better together...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 329

Today was spent inside, talking to other small scale farmers about the value of collaboration and cooperation. 

I always enjoy spending time talking to others who get what we do and why we do it about how to do it better...

Monday, 23 November 2015

Curry cravings

FFF Photo a Day - Day 328

With a cold storage room full of squash, we are finding all kinds of creative ways to use them! 

Tonight I'm mixing up some curried butternut squash to add to tomorrow's supper of Butternut and Lentil Bobotie! 

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Snowy days

FFF Photo a Day - Day 327

What a difference a week can make! Last Sunday, we were working outside without jackets! 

... and today I had to dig out the pig's feed dishes from the snow!  

Saturday, 21 November 2015

The winter coop!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 326

The winter coop is warm and snug and the girls seem to be adjusting well to the move inside. 

While I'm sure like all of us that they would prefer to out in the field and sunshine scrounging for bugs (well I'm good without that last part...), they seem to be happy enough scratching in the leaves and straw that we use for bedding in the coop. 

They sure have lots to say anyway.... #cluckinghens

Friday, 20 November 2015

The great silence begins...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 325

I'm always struck by the shroud of silence that seems to descend on the  world along with the first snow. 

The snow muffles the land and sends critters burrowing underground. #silentwinter

Thursday, 19 November 2015

It's that kind of night...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 324

The wind and snow continue to swirl... A quick tour of the chicken coop to collect the eggs, throw a bale of hay to the goats and cow and it's a cookie baking kind of night....

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

In with a bang...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 323

Winter has arrived with a bang! Sitting here in the dark, listening to the wind roar and howl. #electricityisunderrated

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Playful pair

FFF Photo a Day - Day 322

This pair of playful pigs are a new breed for us. They are a cross between a Longrace Duroc and Berkshire. (We typically do purebred Berkshire)

The Duroc produces a long body, different colouring and smaller eyes than the Berkshire.

This pair are curious, vocal and very aware of what is going on around them. There is no sneaking up on them!

Monday, 16 November 2015

Puppy pose

FFF Photo a Day -Day 321

The saga of our poor pooch continues... Avery has been recovering from a broken leg for over two months now. At the last vet visit, they ordered 4 more weeks of cast and confinement. 

We are running out of sweatshirts to put on her (they keep her from chewing her cast off..) but it is all good for a giggle once in a while. #puppypose

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Fair weather helpers!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 320

Hard to believe that it is the middle of November! This weekend, we planted a new row of raspberries in the back field (merci notre cousin, Adelard!)

As you can see I had lots of help planting #nonotreally #chickensdontcount

Saturday, 14 November 2015

If you give a pig a pumpkin...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 319
Our pigs are happy Hallowe'en is over as they are enjoying everyone's leftover jack-o-lanterns! 

Friday, 13 November 2015

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Love at the end of the day...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 317

At the end of a long day full of stress, strain and struggles, its so wonderful to bask in the simple love and acceptance that only a dog can give.... well as long as I keep scratching her ears!

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Stored away...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 316

A winter-full of veggies are now tucked away in our cold storage room. 

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Sunset drive

FFF Photo a Day - Day 315

Feeling blessed to live in a beautiful country full of beautiful people... and that I end most days driving towards this gorgeous view! #sunsetdrive

Monday, 9 November 2015

Harnessing the power of green

FFF Photo a Day - Day 314

The mild fall weather has meant an seemingly unending supply of cold weather greens such as kale, spinach, swiss chard and lettuce. 

Besides eating them fresh daily, we prepare for winter by drying them and making green powder to use through those cold months when getting your greens is difficult. #harnessthegreen 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

It's all about preparation!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 313

Much of the fall is about preparing for next season. Today we moved our chicken tractors (shelters) from one area of the property to one of the back corrals. 

We are planning next spring to run the chickens in this particular area because it needs some nutrient replenishment... that the chickens will provide aplenty! This will nourish the pasture for future years to come. #failingtoplanisplanningtofail

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Sweet Saturday

FFF Photo a Day - Day 312

Today was caramel making day. We make these is big batches to sell and share with family and friends using our own goat milk.

 They've become a hot item! #sweetsaturday

Friday, 6 November 2015

Consistently inconsistent!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 311

Store bought eggs seem boring.... all one colour and size. Our hens give us all shades, shapes and sizes! #fiftyshadesofbeige

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Making sunshine!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 310

If you are like me... you are missing sunshine! In our area, we have been under cloud cover for almost 11 days in a row! Everyone is feeling as gloomy as the weather! 

So... sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands and make your own sunshine... sunshine squash that is! Cut up one for supper tonight! 

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Seedy business

FFF Photo a Day - Day 309

A good year for pumpkins means its a good year for roasted pumpkin seeds!

Salted, spiced, even sugared pumpkin seeds are a healthy snack that provides a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, that are hard to find in other foods. 

Pumpkin seeds are also known as pepitas (spanish) and can be eaten raw, shelled or toasted, roasted, in the shell, even sprouted! 

The seeds pictured were toasted after being tossed with salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning. Yum!

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Chicks like our car....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 308

You know you live on a farm when you are greeted with messy chicken prints on the hood of your car in the morning! #chickslikeyourride

Monday, 2 November 2015

The saddest eyes....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 307

Avery has the saddest eyes these days....

Two weeks ago she went to the vet to get her cast off and they weren't happy with how well it was healing and prescribed another two weeks in the cast. 

She promptly set about chewing it off her leg, hence the attire..

Tomorrow she goes back to the vet....fingers crossed, prayers and best wishes accepted! Let's hope they relent and free this sad dog! 

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Moving day....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 306

Today was moving day for the girls.... 

We moved our laying hens inside the winter coop as their water lines were freezing most nights in their summer shelters. 

They immediately got to work scratching and pecking in the deep piles of leaves and straw that form the floor, searching for morsels of food, bugs and seeds. 

They will be cosy tonight!