Sunday 6 March 2016

Week #9 - Patty the pig..

Patty has joined the FFF team! After surviving a treacherous ride from western Manitoba through ice and wind, she has moved right in! 

Patty is a Berkshire/Tamworth cross and is going to a be a first time mama pig some time in April. Female pigs that have not yet farrowed (given birth) are called gilts. After she farrows, she will be a sow. 

She is a beautiful chocolate colour and has large expressive ears. She is used to living with many other pigs so the crew that met her in the barn was a bit of a shock! 

Our Dexter bull calf and nanny goats gave Patty a wide berth to begin with and Chocolate, the dominant female in the barn, even gave up the water trough to this strange new beast. 

As the weather warms up, she will range from the barn and throughout a large corral and hopefully will get used to her new friends. Welcome home, Patty! 

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