Friday, 28 February 2014

Move forward... and don't look back!

As we get to the end of February...despite the current temperature of -32C and the forecast of -50 C with the windchill this weekend.. there is a ray of hope! Tomorrow it is March 1st and I have faith that with it will bring an (eventual) warming and turn towards what we all seek, yearn, indeed are begging for! The sun is getting warmer (ask any cat who lounges in the sunny window) and the days are getting longer... all signs that we are making progress. This winter has been brutal. But soon we will look back and affectionately and proudly swap stories of the highest snowbank or the coldest day. This hope of spring is what keeps us all moving forward. 

Here at the farm, we are eagerly anticipating the new growing season. We have been busy planning how to make this year even better than last! The winter has been hard on the animals and they too are dreaming of green grass and warm breezes. In January, our nanny goats blessed us with eight new kids. Despite being born during one of the coldest weeks, all survived and are thriving. Two of them... Martie and Arya required some quick intervention from us and as a result they have been hanging out in our basement being bottlefed for the last month! Their mamas unfortunately have no interest in these cutie-pies so we milk them twice a day and feed their babes 4-5 times a day! I'm pretty sure they laugh at us when we leave the barn each day! It is hard though to have a bad day when you get to end it snuggling with these two!

Today I went to get all our passports renewed... not because we have some great warm destination planned but they were expired and it needed to be done. However, should the universe see fit to hand us a tropical vacation.... by golly, we are ready! (Can you win those with Roll up the Rim?)

So I encourage you to not let the terrible weather get you down, to look forward towards the sunshine! (real or imagined!)

If thinking about boxes of yummy produce all summer long would cheer you up... we are now open to applications for our CSA Share. Check out our Products page for this and other offerings. 



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