Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Week #9 - FFF CSA Blog - A Time to Be Grateful

Hope everyone has been doing some bicep curls this week! As these CSA boxes get heavier and heavier, you are going to need some well developed muscles to lug them around. Each box is full of wonderful goodies!
Harvest time is one of my favorite (and definitely the busiest) times of year! Every day we are faced with a virtual cornucopia (I love that word) of treasures from our gardens. No longer do we go out with a simple pail or bowl to collect natures' creations.. Now we bring wheelbarrows full of goodies on each walkabout! 

This time of year so full of nature's gifts always makes me so grateful for the full, rich life we live. Hearing about the horrible experiences and living conditions elsewhere in the world, I am struck by a significant sense of good luck that I was born in this part of the world.  As we wheel our carts of food out of the garden, I know that there are so many others that have much less. I have no wise and sage words to fix what ails the planet but suggest a good start might be to give freely of our gifts and  always be kind!

So what does your cornucopia of goodness include this week?

Peppers (assorted sweet and hot)
Swiss Chard
Herbs (Basil, Parsley, Chives, Oregano)
Ground cherries
Spring onions
Squash (assorted )
Tomatoes (a rainbow of varieties)

We have soaked the cauliflower overnight to ensure you have no "stowaways"
a.k.a. caterpillars.

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