It's Week #9 of our CSA share and the boxes of goodies are getting downright heavy! They are packed full with tomatoes, squash, melons and corn! (along with other goodies) Most of the plants have re-bounded fairly well from the storm a few weeks ago and our re-seeded greens (lettuce/spinach) should be ready shortly.
As mentioned last week, our turkeys are ready this week. So if you are looking for a tasty turkey for your Thanksgiving meal, just let us know. We have them frozen and ready for you! (reserve early as we sell out!) This year our turkeys range from 14-19 llbs and we are again selling them for $2.99/llb.
As usual we have zucchini to spare (there is already some in everyone's box), so short of dropping it on people's doorsteps, ringing the bell and running away.... we will bring some to the pick up times and if you want more - feel free to grab some.
The squash that you will find in your boxes will keep for a fairly long time so feel free to save them if you aren't ready to eat right away.
What's in the box this week:
Herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, chives)
Assorted peppers - Jalepeno pepper (green, tear drop shape) or Banana pepper (yellow, spear shaped) or Cherry Red Hot (small round red) or Chile peppers (round, thin)
Tomatoes - both cherry and regular size
Assorted melons - Honey Dew melon (white/green, smooth and round) or Cantaloupe (white/green, rough exterior, round)
Cabbage (purple) - please soak your cabbage in water.
Assorted Squash - Butternut squash (long neck, round base, yellow/green) or Patty Pan squash (orange/yellow, looks like a bit like a small pumpkin)
Swiss Chard
This week's focus - Tomatoes - Summer's Heavenly Fruit!
That's right, did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit and not a vegetable? To me it doesn't matter how you categorize it, they are delicious! There is nothing better than a garden fresh tomato, sliced thickly and eaten with a bit of salt and mayo.... but that being said ... there are hundreds of other yummy ways to use and consume tomatoes! Put them in a salad, make salsa or fresh soup, make tomato sauce or paste, put them in a sandwich (wonderful with avocado!), use them in pasta sauces, on a pizza, grill them, roast them with basil and olive oil, mix them with sweet corn, garlic and vinegar for a wonderful salad, skewer the cherry tomatoes with a toothpick and cube of cheese for a quick appetizer.... I could go on! Whatever way you like your tomatoes... enjoy them!
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