Sunday, 27 November 2016

Week #48 - Raising supper

There is no end of debate both online and off about the ethics of raising animals for food. Our approach has been to listen to all sides and decide based on what seems right for our family and business with a view to a sustainable approach for our earth.

We are blessed with space and time to raise animals in a manner that provides them with a good life, an ethical death and a modest impact on the world.  I appreciate that not all will agree but it is a choice that we feel good about. As we choose to include meat in our diets, it feels right that we should take responsibility to nurture the animal kindly with affection, sunshine and natural food sources. In return, we are blessed with food that is free of chemicals and has a superior taste and nutrition.

If we were not able to raise our food in such a way and we had to rely on commercially raised animals produced in factory like settings, I may make different choices about how we eat. 

Of course we all have a choice to seek out and purchase food from local producers who take the same type of care and concern with their animals. I encourage everyone to get to know where and how your food is raised whether its animal or vegetable. Get to know your farmer, producer, baker, butcher and small business owner and ask questions and visit farms. What you put in your mouth is important! Be aware, informed and engaged! 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Week #46 - Tis the Season

In our family, Christmas is a big deal.... 

We plan and conspire all year round to create, search for and find just the right thing for each other. 

Most of our gifts must be made, upcycled or re-used but this year we are also 'allowed' to buy from local stores. 

It always amazes me what we come up. For us Christmas is not a religious ceremony but one built on family memories and traditions.

The season begins on November 12th and lasts to Jan. 2nd. (our poor tree usually has only about two needles left by New Years' Day! 

My No. #2 son showed us all up by making and wrapping the first gift before the tree was even up! 

This weekend saw most of us ramping up the list making and planning and holiday tunes were at full blast! 

Next weekend the tree goes up and the eggnog season begins! What are your holiday traditions? 

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Week #46 - Recipe for a heavy heart

This week was long, dark and scary! 

The time change and approaching winter solstice set the stage for a week of doing chores in the dark and feeling like you weren't completely sure what time it was. I've never been able to explain why gaining an hour creates such havoc in our sleep patterns! 

Like many folks, I found myself swept up in the American trainwreck on Tuesday. I cycled through a series of emotions from horror, to anger to sadness. I do not yet feel like I've fully processed what has happened and what it means for so many. The symbolism of Trump's victory casts long shadows on the progressive lifestyle that I so often feel so grateful for in North America. While I hope that all our fears are misguided and unfounded, I do not hold out much hope on that front. 

Tuesday's events in the US, seemed to make Friday's somber ceremonies of remembrance for the fallen, whose shoulders we all stand on, seem fragile and bittersweet. Add the loss of a much loved and talented Canadian icon and the week seemed too much to bear.  

All that being said, I find myself on Sunday night feeling more optimistic and content and ready to continue to celebrate and honour the values that are important to me. Looking back, I find a simple recipe has soothed my heavy heart. 

  • Surround yourself with those you love
  • Add in some cuddles and laughter with young souls (babies and puppies work best)
  • Work until you hurt at something worthwhile
  • Blend in plenty of fresh local food
  • Marinate heavily in sunshine and gentle breezes
  • Repeat...

Next week is going to be better! Be good to each other!

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Week #45 - Got your Goat!

Many people ask us why we raise goats? 

So this week, I decided to run through the top five reasons we enjoy raising dairy goats:  
  1. Goats can clear brush and grass from an area very efficiently and effectively. We rotate them around our farm using electric mesh fence and they clear weeds and long grass from any area we put them in. Goats are browser as oppose to grazers so they will eat woody growth such as bushes and small trees as well. Because they are effective browsers their input costs (what it costs to feed them) tends to be lower than other animals who eat only grass or require formulated feed. 
  2. Goats produce a creamy milk that tends to be easier to digest particular to those that find they have sensitivities to milk or lactose. Goat's milk is higher in calcium, magnesium, potassium and Vitamin C than cow's milk. 
  3. Goat's milk is easy to convert to other yummy things! We use our goat's milk to make yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and caramels along with less yummy but no less useful items such as soap!  
  4. Goats are smaller and need less equipment and fencing than cows (when they stay inside the fence!) Given their smaller size, they tend to be easier to handle and milk as well as moving from one area to another.
  5. Goats are entertaining! I think I could spend (have spent) hours watching a herd of goats interact with each other. They all have such unique personalities and are expressive animals. We enjoy their antics (except their escapes) and they really become part of the family.