I was feeling a bit scattered and random this week, so decided to scroll through my camera roll for some inspiration and found it....
Our plan is to add a couple of new fruit trees to our property every year until we have a larger orchard but for right now we have three older trees near the front road which are doing their best to feed the municipality!
Avery wrangled with a skunk this week and came out smelling less than pretty... Good thing she is so darn cute!
This week we had our good friends kids over for a "farmcation". There is nothing like small children to help you see your world with new perspective!
They teach you pretty quickly that the small things are really the big things... pay attention.
The other night after the rain I found Oliver (the goat) perched atop Graceson (the bull)... it was like he was trying to keep his feet dry!
I went to put the chickens to bed and came back about 20 minutes later... They were still in the same position.
This weekend we moved our young turkeys and chickens out of the barn and into corral #1.
This space has not been grazed this year and is lush with volunteer tomatillos, cucumber and various other veggies and weeds.
You can hardly see the young turkeys in the tall plants!
Our lives are full, we are very blessed. We live in a beautiful place, eat food that nourishes are body and spirit and are surrounded by beings (two legged and four) that make us laugh and fill our arms with love. May you see and enjoy your blessings this week!
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