Thursday, 31 December 2015

The other side of farming...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 365

The last day of the year for us is busy... no, there are no fancy New Year's bashes for us, our time is spent counting... 

Counting our inventory on hand, both live and frozen :) and finalizing the farm's accounts for the year. 

It's a hard slog but boy does it feel good when its done!

Happy New Year to all of you! May 2016 be full of local, sustainable, nourishing food grown by friendly farmers! 

Energy saving...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 364

If there is a way to save some time and energy... we farmers will figure it out. 

With the help of some old cross country skis, Farmer Phil has rigged up a handy wood sled! 

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Well glad that's done...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 363

Well after 104 days, countless worry and a good deal of time and energy (not to mention money), Avery's leg has healed. 

Today the pin was taken out of her leg and the vet told us he didn't want to see us again... "unless she does something stupid!"

While her activity level will still have to be controlled, and it will take months to re-build muscle mass... no more casts, cones or sedatives! Yay! 

Monday, 28 December 2015

Fire in the sky, ice on the ground

FFF Photo a Day - Day 363

Fire in the sky, ice on the ground. Somehow the sunsets are always more stunning when the weather is bitter cold! 

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Snowy stroll...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 362

The fresh snow makes the daily visits to the barn a bit more challenging until the tractor blows the way clear...

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Turkey 2.0

FFF Photo a Day - Day 361

Today was spent turning leftover Christmas turkey into soup, pies and empanadas. 

Friday, 25 December 2015

Blessings for everyone...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 360

Feeling blessed and grateful for all things big and small today. Even Avery discovered a little something for herself this morning.

Hope this message finds you surrounded by love and gratitude. Count your blessings folks! 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

A hot mess

FFF Photo a Day - Day 359

Christmas Eve on the farm is always a bit of a hot mess! A mixture of excitement, stress, preparation, relief and usually a few surprises! 

Whatever traditions you keep at this time of year, we hope that you get some time away from the usual routines to count your blessings, hug your loved ones and plan for an awesome 2016! 

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Heroes in the dark...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 358

On snowy days, we rely on the speed plow operators to come by in order to get out of our road! 

Until you hear that familiar sound and see the near tornado of snow and lights, you are often sitting... biding your time until you can head for the city. 

This morning our hero in the dark came by at 7:35 a.m., just in time.... A big thank you to "Highway Rod"! 

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

....and on to spring!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 357

Happy Solstice everyone! I'm cheered by the thought that every day now will be a little bit longer, brighter and closer to spring! 

"No winter lasts forever... no spring skips its turn" ~ Hal Borland

Monday, 21 December 2015

The heart of any home...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 356

Noel made this huge beautiful kitchen table for us! 

We always seem to have extra mouths to feed and like most homes... our kitchen is the centre of all activity. The table sits twelve comfortably! 

It's gorgeous! 

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Come and sit awhile...

FFF Photo a Day - Day 355

It's like winter has prepared a comfy seat for us all to come and sit awhile... 

Saturday, 19 December 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 354

This weekend we are hosting several smaller beings for a 'farmcation'... love seeing the world again through the eyes of a young child! 

Friday, 18 December 2015

Homemade goodness

FFF Photo a Day - Day 353

When the weather is cold and windy outside, we like to experiment in the kitchen.

Here are some multi-grain, garlic naan bread that we made. Turned out rather well...

Thursday, 17 December 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 352

Must be all the snow.. but I'm starting to feel that familiar magic of the season! 

Hoping tonight that no matter what your traditions at this time of year, that they move you to share generously with others who are in need, reach out to those experiencing social isolation and to tell someone how much you care.

I think those are traditions that we could all agree on!  

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Snow... glorious snow!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 351

We are finally getting some snow... and while driving is terrible and there will likely be school closures and chaos tomorrow... everyone, both two and four legged, on the farm seems to have an extra spring in their step! 

Avery particularly was almost purring with contentment as she rolls in the snow! 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Farmer fuel....

FFF Photo a Day - Day 350

These days I've been spending my time filling the freezer full of farmer fuel.... aka cookies!

Monday, 14 December 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 349

This is the real Canadian farmer's double-double!

Sunday, 13 December 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 348

These three eggs are all from hens who are roughly the same age.... what's ironic is that the huge white eggs is from the smallest chicken in the barn! 

Saturday, 12 December 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 347
On the Prairies sometimes it's hard to tell where the land ends and the sky begins!

Friday, 11 December 2015

Tis the season!

FFF Photo a Day - 346
Tis the season of holiday parties and our homegrown farmer sausage is a life saver! 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Say cheese!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 345

One of our favorite indoor activities is making cheese! Here we are straining our fresh goat's milk yogurt to make a soft yogurt cheese. You end up with a spreadable, tangy cheese that is great with crackers or veggies! 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Cast away!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 344
Super excited for Avery (dog) who got her cast off after 12 weeks! She is still hobbling around but it's great to see some progress! 

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Kidding around!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 343

Lily is a Nubian goat who along with her barn-mate Chocolate is due to kid (give birth) this winter. We are busy trying to ensure that the barn is cozy and warm for them. 

Lily is a first time mom but Chocolate has had several kids. We are looking forward to having babies again on the farm! 

Monday, 7 December 2015

Recycle everywhere!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 342

We believe in recycling and re-using on the farm. 

We needed to find a way to reduce the amount of hay that the goats and cattle were wasting, so we re-used the cage around a tree root along with some stucco wire to create a hanging hay feeder! 
FFF Photo a Day - Day 342

We believe in recycling and re-using on the farm. 

We needed to find a way to reduce the amount of hay that the goats and cattle were wasting, so we re-used the cage around a tree root along with some stucco wire to create a hanging hay feeder! 

Sunday, 6 December 2015


FFF Photo a Day - Day 341

The weather has been beautiful and the snow barely covers the ground. 

Our violas are confused and are still blooming! 

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Sun kissed!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 340

Even though all our garden fresh tomatoes are done for the season, we get a taste of sunny goodness in our sun-dried tomatoes. I swear they taste like a sunny summer afternoon!

We dry our tomatoes on racks in the sun and finish them off in the dehydrator. They re-hydrate pretty easy in most recipes. #sunkissed

Friday, 4 December 2015

You looking at me?

FFF Photo a Day - Day 339

Caesar the rooster continues to rule over his harem of hens in his reserved corner of the chicken coop. 

The minute you come in to the coop he begins to crow, fluff up his feathers and generally strut his stuff like we are competition for their attention.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

4H - Learn to do by Doing

FFF Photo a Day - Day 338

Thursday nights are 4-H night on the farm when we host kids who live in a nearby town to learn about how to humanely raise animals. 

I love watching them learn and experience the realities of caring for animals in all types of weather and conditions. 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Poor Pup Part Five

FFF Photo a Day - Day 337

The saga of our poor pup continues... Avery's leg is healing but very slowly. 

She's moved from a full cast to a splint (which she chewed through in short order). The cone has been 90% successful in keeping her from doing so again! 

Next vet visit we are hopeful that she will graduate to a soft bandage! Our poor pup! 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Night out with the girls!

FFF Photo a Day - Day 336

Sometimes on the farm, a night out with the girls involves hauling water! #farmersknowhowtohavefun