Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Week #9 - 2014 FFF CSA - What's in the Box - Ground Cherries

I can't believe we are at Week #9 of our CSA program this year already! I have to admit that this morning picking vegetables it felt decidedly fall-like! 

This week everyone has a bag of ground cherries. If you are not familiar with these golden nuggets you are in for treat! I've heard someone describe the taste of ground cherries as like a cherry tomato injected with mango and pineapple juice! That's a fairly apt description for this fruit that are similiar (and in the same family as gooseberries. They can be used in both sweet or savory recipes or just eaten plain and simple. You can use them in salsa, put them in pie, tarts or cake or our favorite... make jam! 

ground cherry jam recipe:
3 cups ground cherries
1/4 cup orange juice
1/8 cup white sugar
1/4 cup honey
zest of 1/2 an orange
pinch of sea salt

Our CSA customers can count on getting ground cherries each week for the remainder of the season. They are ripe and ready to be picked when they fall off the plant to the ground, so we need to pick frequently. Luckily Ground cherries will keep for up to 3 months in the fridge - best in a mesh bag (like those that other produce sometimes come in from the store (i.e. onions or oranges). 

So... What's in the Box this week?
  • Swiss Chard
  • Zucchini for the half shares
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Broccoli for full shares
  • Ground Cherries New!
  • Kale
  • Peppers - Hot peppers for all, Sweet and Hot for full shares
  • Corn - New!
  • Onions
  • Potatoes (Yukon Gold variety)
  • Herbs - parsley, chives, oregano, rosemary and cilantro

We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be prudent to wash all vegetables when you get them home. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (ice cream pails, plastic containers, etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Week #8 - 2014 FFF CSA - What's in the Box - Do you want to Salsa?

Well the rain finally came and a big sigh of relief was felt by all things green (or pale yellow!). And with more rain in the forecast it looks like we will be have some ongoing moisture to ease some of the near drought conditions and our irrigation responsibilities. 

All our CSA shareholders will enjoy a large bag of tomatoes this week, so I thought a focus on what you can do with tomatoes would be appreciated. 

Tomatoes are a fruit even though many people think of them as a veggie. They belong to the nightshade family along with potatoes, egg plants, tomatillos, and ground cherries. The tomato is a very versatile item that can be used in drinks, sauces, salsas, salad or of course simply raw and unadorned! 

My favorite thing (after simply popping them in my mouth while still in the garden!) is to make fresh salsa - no need to cook or can, this is very easy when the ingredients are in good supply. 

Simply cut/dice fresh tomatoes, add chopped garlic and onion along with lime juice and/or a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Add cumin, minced hot peppers to your taste preference and plenty of fresh cilantro and you have a wonderful refreshing explosion in your mouth. For those of you who want a recipe to follow (I admit I never do...) I've linked to one here that will give you some ideas of ratios and amounts. Enjoy!

So... What's in the Box this week?
  • Swiss Chard
  • Zucchini - full shares only
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Turnip
  • Beans - full shares only
  • Kale
  • Hot Peppers
  • Onion
  • Potatoes
  • Herbs - this week besides chives and oregano, I gave everyone lots of cilantro so that you can use it for your fresh salsa - if you choose.
We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be prudent to wash all vegetables when you get them home. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (ice cream pails, plastic containers, etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Week #7 - 2014 FFF CSA - What's in the Box

What started as a wet year has turned decidedly less moist! Watering is becoming a full time job as everything is looking parched. The nice thing is that this kind of weather slows down the mowing and weeding.... so trade offs everywhere. This is an exciting week of for all tomato lovers as your first lovely gems of the season have finally matured. We grow many different varieties and I hope you enjoy exploring the different colours and flavours as the weeks go on.

As the summer trundles along, we inevitably must turn our attention to the coming fall and winter and I encourage all of you to think about how you can continue your enjoyment of your veggies into the colder weather. At the risk of being called lazy, I thought I would simply link you back to my blog last year where I walked our shareholders through a number of ways that you can extend your harvest from freezing, drying and pickling. 

I'm busy drying our first crop of basil plants for you all so that you will have some dried basil through the winter and we will do the same with our cilantro/coriander plants a bit later in the season. So check out what you can do today to eat better tomorrow by checking out last year's post here.

So... What's in the Box this week?
  • Swiss Chard
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes New!
  • Beets
  • Broccoli for full shares
  • Turnip
  • Kohlrabi for full shares
  • Beans
  • Ground Cherries for full shares New!
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Peppers (mostly hot)
  • Onion New!
  • Potatoes
We pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be prudent to wash all vegetables when you get them home. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (ice cream pails, plastic containers, etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Week #6 - 2014 FFF CSA - What's in the Box - Dog Days of Summer bring Cows?!

This nice long stretch of hot, sultry weather... often described as the Dog Days of summer... has put a smile on almost everyone's face! With the exception of the need to water more frequently, the hot weather is generally good news for all things plant like. The veggies are soaking up the warmth and growing well. Of course, lettuce, spinach and cilantro tend to bolt in this kind of weather which is only a problem if you want to eat them.. ;).

 Our most recent excitement was this week's birth of Grace's calf. If you haven't met Grace yet, she is our Dexter mama cow, who last year around this time, gave us Gwendolyn, a lovely heifer (which is what you call female cow who hasn't given birth yet). This year she has produced a healthy male (bull calf) who we have named Gaston! (big thanks to all our Facebook fans who sent in a multitude of suggested names!) 

Earlier this week, Grace very politely waited until morning, sauntered out to the back field and expertly delivered Gaston on her own. I think Gwendolyn was more excited than anyone, as she ran around, bellowing at the top of her lungs most of the day! You would swear she was announcing her new baby brother to the world! Mama, babe (and older sister) are doing well! 

It is hard to believe it is week #6 of our CSA share this year, meaning we are already half way through the twelve weeks. As usual the boxes are getting heavier each week, as more and more of the root vegetables become ready to eat! This week we have some yummy carrots ready for our shareholders. I've linked up some nutritional information about carrots  - they do more than help you see in the dark! as well as some recipes that you may expand your ideas of what to do with them! 

So... What's in the Box this week?
  • Swiss Chard
  • Mixed Lettuce/Spinach 
  • Cucumber
  • Beets
  • Broccoli or Cauliflower
  • Turnip - full share only
  • Kohlrabi - full share only
  • Beans
  • Peas 
  • Kale
  • Carrots - New!
  • Hot Peppers
  • Potatoes
  • Herbs (Dill, Oregano, Basil, Chives, Parsley (Curled and Flat leaf)
... and remember we pick the vegetables within 24 hours of the box being delivered. We do rinse the produce but it would be prudent to wash all vegetables when you get them home. Keeping the herbs (ends) in a cup of clean water will keep them fresh longer.

Please return your empty box along with all re-usable containers (ice cream pails, plastic containers, etc) so that we can reuse them all over again. 

Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter at @FenezFollies