Sunday 31 January 2016

Week #4 - Going to the birds!

Winter can be hard on all beings, both two legged and four. During winter we could all use a leg up, a boost.. a helping hand. 

For the chickadees that comes in the form of seed cakes we make from saved bacon fat and bird seed. This keeps the seed together, instead of scattered all over. I find in the winter if it scatters, its lost after the next snow fall. 

The bacon fat which we use in place of suet is a great source of energy for the birds, which helps keep them warm during the coldest days. 

The cakes are easy to place in the crooks of trees and elsewhere where the birds can eat in peace. 

Selfishly, we also put one on the bench near our window so that we can watch them come and go! 

Now if we could just teach Avery (our Newfie dog) that the chickadees are OK and not a threat! 

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