Thursday 1 January 2015

Beginning again...

I love the new year... all fresh and clean slate-like, it lends itself to new hope, energy and ideas. While it comes in the middle of the cold, (often harsh) winter when all smart life forms are hibernating, it reminds me that we all can begin again, start over, pick ourselves up, dust off and walk forth into the promise of spring, warmer days and new life. 

January 1st on the farm is always spent doing inventory, finalizing the financials and making plans for the next year. Our modest enterprise did well last year and by that I mean, we actually made a small profit this year! After several years in the red, its wonderful to see our hard work pay off even just a little. While our primary motivation was and has always been to feed our family first - with wholesome, natural, high quality food - its rewarding to see us able to share this with others and make a bit of money doing so! 

A couple of days ago, one of our customers sent us a link to a CBC article on Ontario farmer, Andrew Campbell who was planning on sharing a picture a day during 2015 on social media to help connect with and educate others on what farming is all about. Campbell who has over 7000 followers on Twitter - @FreshAirFarmer - has a great opportunity to help a great many people gain more insight into where their food comes from. 

I loved the idea and we've decided to follow Campbell's lead and post a photo a day in this coming year!  While we have nowhere near the number of followers or fans on either Twitter or Facebook, we know through events such as Open Farm Day just how interested people are in knowing their farmer, understanding how and where there food is raised and becoming informed consumers! 

So.. I invite you to follow along with us this year. The Fenez Follies Farm Photo a Day or #FFFPAD will go up daily on our Facebook Page, on Twitter @FenezFollies and on Instagram at fenezfolliesfarm. 

To start it all off.... I thought that it would be appropriate to capture sunrise on the farm on the first day of the year. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I get to live in such a gorgeous part of the world!

From our home to yours... wishing you the best of best in 2015!

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