Sunday 21 August 2016

Week #33 - Farm welcome!

Mama and Hazel checking out their new digs!
This week we welcomed Mama and Hazel to the farm. Mama is a cross between a Dexter and Swiss Dairy cow and Hazel is her two month old heifer calf. They came to live on the farm this week and ar hesitantly getting to know the other occupants - both two legged and four. 

Graceson was particularly interested in their arrival, as the sole bovine in the crowd. He is a Dexter bull who has been a bit lonely for his own kind lately..... Raised primarily with goats, pgs and chickens, he was having a bit of an identity crisis! He let the entire neighbourhood know of his joy, as he bellowed and hollered into the night!

We are looking forward to the potential for some fresh cows milk in our future but need to help Mama get used the place first!

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