Sunday 6 April 2014

Thoughts about counting days....

The way we look at time is interesting... so much of how we perceive time depends upon our perspective. 

Time seems to go so slowly when we are looking forward to something pleasant, it spills through our fingers when we are immersed in an experience we hope would go on and on and appears to flash by when we are dreading an event. 

Here on the farm we have our 4-H Achievement night in 8 days - something that likely is  being met with some mixed feelings depending upon how ready each of us feels.... This event is the culmination of a year's worth of work for us all - members and leaders alike - and the house is a buzz with preparation. 

This year we have been involved in a wide range of 4-H projects. From blacksmithing to microbiology... from dairy cattle to fashion design - whoever thinks 4H is only about farming hasn't seen the awesome video that Noel made this year... (come to think of it I haven't see it yet either!) 

We are about 75 days away from our first delivery of our CSA (weekly vegetable box) to our shareholders - which we always look forward to with both excitement and stress... made even greater by the height of the snowbanks still on the field! Hard to believe that in 40 days we should be safe to move our plants outside! 

Grace our Dexter cow is due in about 102 days if all goes as planned - which is not typically the case on our farm! Our chicks arrive in 18 days with another batch coming in 60 days. New piglets arrive in 24 days.... we seem to be always counting days around here! All these events will come and go and the rhythm of the farming season will roll on. 

There are other more important days to count however! The days that I am blessed to be alive (15 919) days or married to my best friend (7 623 days) or a mother to smart, funny & healthy children (6 216 days). Yes, time is an interesting thing .... what days are you counting??

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